Well, I tried to get another scarf out of the first warp but it was just as short as I expected. If it seems long enough I might go ahead and call it a child's scarf but to call it my scarf a day seemed like cheating so I went ahead and put on a new warp this morning:
Like the first warp, this is one that I wound a while ago. The first one I just wound last November, though, while this is one I've been sitting on for years. I'm not sure why I never felt like putting it on the loom before now as they're colours I really like - I guess I was just waiting for the right moment and it turns out that was today.
This warp is slightly wider than the last one - 8" in the reed, compared to 7 1/4" - and much finer threads: this one is 165 threads of mostly 2/8 with some 4/8 and some boucle thrown in for accents whereas the last one was just 72 threads of much heavier weight. I started weaving with the same weight of weft, though, and was surprised to see how much more it beat in. I hope the end result will be soft and flexible and not too stiff!
I washed the scarves from warp #1 this afternoon and really hoped to get some good pics before the light faded but they weren't dry in time. Will try to get some good final shots over the weekend to post on Monday. They turned out sooooo soft - I wish there was a way to transmit the feel of the scarves via the intertubes! I've made scarves of this type a fair number of times, and every time I'm surprised by how soft they are. :)
Here's how my scarfa day went today:
9:43 am: Started weaving the last of warp #1 in hopes that I'd measured poorly and there actually was enough on the beam to weave a full length scarf. Ha! No such luck. Still, very pretty colour (though not the green I'd been thinking of yesterday).
10:45 am: Chose the next warp to put on. (Pic above)
10:55 am: New warp rough sleyed and ready to be wound on:
12:30 pm: Off to Fiber Friday at the library!
3:51 pm: New warp is wound onto the back beam... [isn't it pretty? I love the way warps look all wound onto the back beam. Like a promise, and hope, and expectation all rolled (ha!) into one.]
...and ready to be threaded - just as soon as I pop the raddle out of the beater and hang the lease sticks behind the shafts.
7:56 pm: Scarf finally under way after a break to wash first warp, pick up Ron, run some errands, and read a bunch of blogs. ;)
8:55 pm: Scarf #5 finally done!
Time for pizza and Space 1999! See you Monday. :)
Press Pause
Today I am heading back to the loom. I took 3 days 'off' from weaving and
did some 'light duty' tasks in the studio. I'm hoping that helps the jabs ...
14 hours ago
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