Monday, February 16, 2009

Ooooh, shiney! [Scarf 11]

Dang, I really wanted to do a Week 2 review today before posting the scarfa, but my Top Secret Knitathon Plans got rearranged and the photo light got away from me. Will recap Week 2 tomorrow!

I got 20" done on scarfa #11 early in the day but the aforementioned rearrangements meant that I didn't get back to finish until after supper this evening. Didn't take long to finish it up even though I got distracted by the pretty weft for a while. :)

I decided to use a white rayon flake for the weft. I'd used the same rayon for the last crackle sample I wove before starting Scarfaday and, although I wasn't fussy about the colour combo, I did really like the drape and sheen of the rayon against the matte of the cotton once the fabric was wet finished and hard pressed. I still had half a pirn of the rayon wound and there's white in this warp, so I decided to use up that pirn by using the rayon for today's scarfa. Of course, I had to wind a second pirn since the first was only half full, and then I hit a couple of knots and other flaws in the warp at the same point (around 65") so I wound up calling scarfa #11 done before using up the new pirn. Guess that means I'll have to use the rayon on another scarfa down the road!

Scarfa day #11 went something like this:

Noonish, maybe? Don't actually remember...: Use up the first half pirn by weaving the first 20" of the scarf.

8:00 pm: Head back downstairs to wind another pirn. Get totally distracted by pretty shiney weft yarn before finally settling down to weave the rest of the scarf.

8:53 pm: Scarfadone!

See you tomorrow with a recap of Week 2 and scarfa #12!

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