Okay, so here I am bloggin' at the very end of the day again. Didn't I just say this morning that I wanted to avoid that this week? Turns today was a day for simply lazin' about, though, and I decided not to fight it. Instead, I kicked back, finished a hat I was working on for the knit-a-thon, started a new one, read some blogs, watched some daytime t.v. for the first time in yonks (and recalled why I don't watch it more often), etc. etc. Didn't even peek at the loom until after supper and some additional lame prime time tv... and you know what? I don't regret it a bit! I had a great, lazy day. Chalk it up as a reward for a job well done yesterday. :)
I did eventually wander down to the loom, though, and had a look at Mr. Warp. I'd meant to cut off the first three scarves and rethread today but, seeing as how it was already 9:00 pm, I didn't think I had the time. In fact, I shaved a couple more minutes off by deciding to use up yet another pirn that I'd wound ages ago and hadn't used - I've been wanting to get that pirn back into circulation and it just so happened that the colour looked like a good fit for today's warp.
Boy, am I happy I tried it! I really, really like this scarf. :) It's put a whole new face on this warp for me, which is most welcome as I haven't been loving it quite as much as the others I've done this month. Now I'm quite happy to keep weaving away - good news, since it looks like I'll probably get another scarf or two from the warp.
Today's scarfa day went like this:
9:30 am: Discover I was on the front page of the paper and experience total adrenaline rush. Call my partners in crime, blog a bit, send and receive a bunch of email and generally feel very pleased with myself indeed.
11:30 am: Realize I was going to post a Week 2/Warp 2 in review, so head outside in the rather nippy morning and take some scarfashots in the perfect overcast day bright light.
1:00 pm: Send my sweetie back to work after lunch and then settle in for a long, lazy afternoon of surfin', knittin' and watching the tube.
6:00 pm: Head to Tim Hortons with aforementioned sweetie for detox after his rough afternoon at work. Discover while sitting at Tim Horton's that I'm actually knitting a mobius strip rather than a hat. Darn you, twisted circular knitting! Darn you!
7:30 pm: Home again, then supper courtesy of Himself. Tres yummy leftovers from Valentine's dinner. Huzzah! Sit down to eat back in front of the tube and get sucked into silly crime drama on t.v.
You will note: no sign of any scarfing anywhere so far! Gack!
9:00 pm: Realize that the clock is ticking and today's scarfa is not going to weave itself. Head downstairs, find serendipitous old pirn looking for new scarf home.
9:55 pm: 30" or 40" done by this point as well as 15 minute chat with my dear ol' mum via gtalk. Ahhh, the wonders of the interwebs! Time for a photo op and to wind pirn #2.
10:30ish pm: On to third partial pirn, scarf's nearly done but for some wild reason I decide it's a good time to move Lulu and all her various attachments downstairs, dig out the old spare laptop speakers, and download Episode 0 of WeaveCast so I can listen to it while finishing the scarfa. This is no doubt related to the fact that I've recently started following Syne and WeaveZine on Twitter.
Of course, it takes longer to move the computer and download the podcast than it would have done to simply finish the scarf. In fact, I nearly finished it just while the podcast was downloading. The episode started playing when I had about two inches left to go. Still, I quite enjoyed listening to it while finishing up and hemstitching, though I had to put Syne on pause while blogging 'cause it was too distracting to listen and write at the same time. I'll finish listening to her fear of warping once I'm done.
10:58 pm: Scarfadone! I couldn't decide which of these pics I liked best so you get them all. :)
Isn't it pretty? I'm quite happy with this one, I must say. I'm also really happy to have gone back to my usual, lighter weight chenille. It takes a bit longer to weave, yes, but it produces such a nice, soft fabric. Will be really curious to see how this one washes up.
So that's scarf #12. See you tomorrow for lucky 13!
That's awesome that you still got your scarf done.....
Procrastination is my nemesis!!
Mine as well! Which is why S/D continues to be so great for me - I have to go down and weave whether I feel motivated to or not. This is not a bad thing!
It's also why I'm hoping to keep up S/D after the end of February even if I modify the rules of engagement somewhat. If I'm going to do a ScarfaMondayTuesdayWednesday, for instance, and other production on Thur-Sun, then I'll have to get that warp of placemats/tea towels/runners/yardage/whatever off the loom by Sunday night in order to get a new scarfa on.
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