Here it is, Scarf A Day No.1, and my digital camera has pretty well given up the ghost. *sob* Still, one does not need a camera to weave a scarf, just to document the process. I'd hoped to take pics all along the way but there really didn't seem to be much point. Happily, my good friend Shari came over for coffee and danishes and a general chin wag this morning -- and was kind enough to not only bring along her camera to take a few shots but she even helped me wind the warp on! Dat's true friendship, dat is.
So, in abbreviated form, here was my first scarfa day:
11:25 am: Just about to start dressing the loom.
12:10 pm: Ready to wind on just as soon as I finish my tea and danish...
1:55 pm: Chins have wagged, warps have been wound on. Still a bit more wagging left to do before I'm ready to thread.
2:30 pm or thereabouts: Threading, sleying, tying on. Then it's time to go out for a very late lunch, or very early dinner! (Actually a ridiculously late breakfast, I suppose, since that's what we ordered...) No pic here because Shari had left with her camera by then.
5:00 pm: Inspection of cameras at the local camera joint, where two of our good friends work. We nearly shelled out the $$ for a spiffy new Canon SX110 right there on the spot but decided we'd come home and perform the obligatory surf for intel and price comparisons. Turns out the intel is good and the price is even better, so we're going to go back and get one ASAP.
7:52 pm: Scarf #1 is done! I think I managed to fiddle the colour enough that it's relatively accurate - please disregard the purple band at the top and left side of the photo. I'll get it wet finished and take a proper product shot tomorrow. The scarf, that is, not the band - I don't think that's coming out in the wash.
See you tomorrow!
Press Pause
Today I am heading back to the loom. I took 3 days 'off' from weaving and
did some 'light duty' tasks in the studio. I'm hoping that helps the jabs ...
14 hours ago
Who knew I'd get so much of the credit for 'scarfa' number one! Glad it has green in it!
Much deserved credit, I might add. Your roll-of-paper manipulation was impeccable and your danish delivery masterful.
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