I've been feeling particularly angsty about missing out on so many guest scarfa days so to make up for lost time I'm planning on doing an entire week of guest scarves. To this end, I have been trolling back through my old emails trying to find any outstanding submissions - which is to say scarves I haven't posted yet, 'cause all the scarves I've ever gotten are all outstanding, OF COURSE. I think I have emailed everyone who's sent me something I haven't used yet. If you did send me something and haven't heard anything from me in a while, please write again and prod me with a pointy stick to remind me.
To my chagrin, I found one letter - with lovely scarf pics attached, even - that I never responded to at all! Gah! Hopefully there aren't any others but please, please, please understand: if you wrote me about contributing a guest scarf and got zero response, this is because I
So! I will see you next week, all set to guest scarf like maaaad.